Brick Cleaning Methods for Optimal Masonry Results

When planning a bricklaying project, it’s essential to consider the cleaning process early on. Ideally, your mason should also handle the cleaning or collaborate closely with a professional brick cleaner. The mason’s technique can significantly impact how easily the bricks can be cleaned later.


Popular Brick Cleaning Methods


  1. Bucket and Brush Hand Cleaning

This traditional method is widely used for its simplicity and effectiveness. It involves applying various chemical cleaners, which can sometimes include household laundry detergent. A skilled brick cleaner will:

  • Identify the brick manufacturer and use the recommended cleaning solution.
  • Remove large mortar clumps with a paddle.
  • Apply the cleaner and allow it to sit for the specified time.
  • Scrub the bricks with a sturdy, rough brush.
  • Rinse the bricks thoroughly to prevent stains and patchiness from leftover cleaner.
  1. Pressurized Water Cleaning

Using pressurized water can save considerable time and labor. However, it may not be the best option under water restrictions or if you aim to conserve water. Additionally, improper use of water pressure can damage bricks. A professional will:

  • Conduct proper preparation to determine the suitable pressure level for your bricks.
  • Use just the right amount of pressure to clean without causing harm.

brick cleaning


  1. Sandblasting

Sandblasting offers a chemical-free cleaning method, reducing the risk of adverse reactions and stains. This technique involves blasting the bricks with materials such as silica sand, crushed granite, or even nut shells. However, it is not suitable for all brick types, including:

  • Sanded bricks
  • Glazed bricks
  • Coated bricks

Improper sandblasting can scar bricks, so it’s crucial to hire a knowledgeable professional who can select the right materials and techniques. 


Choosing the right brick cleaning method is vital for the longevity and appearance of your masonry work. At Bowman Masonry, we ensure that every bricklaying project is complemented by a thorough and appropriate cleaning process. Contact us today at Bowman Masonry to learn more about our comprehensive services.

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